How Often Should a Furnace Be Replaced?

The age of your furnace plays an important role in determining when to schedule a replacement. However, there are many more factors to consider aside from age. To accurately evaluate your system, take a look at the following issues.

Expected Lifespan

If you’ve had your heating system for less than 15 years, it may last a few more years. Even after this point, though, your heating system can serve for many more years.

Some heating systems will provide efficient service for up to 30 years. Extending your system’s lifetime that long will depend on several factors. For example, the quality of the system certainly matters. 

Additionally, make sure you choose an HVAC installer who is certified to handle the equipment. Beyond those considerations, keeping up with maintenance and repairs can also extend the longevity of the equipment. 

Heating Efficiency

You might not notice heating efficiency changes right away. Through the years, your furnace will lose heating power gradually. As a result, the system may use a little more energy to provide the same level of heat each season. This is normal, even if you make it a habit to follow helpful heating efficiency tips.

However, it’s time to make a change if you notice sudden or frequent energy increases. In this case, the cost of furnace replacement might be less than continued high energy bills. Modern units can provide better efficiency than a system that’s 15 to 30 years old.

Recent Furnace Repairs

Another financial factor to consider is your history of heating system repairs. A furnace replacement makes sense when you constantly need repairs every heating season. 

To get a better grasp of this problem, compare your repair bills from the last three or four seasons. If you have spent more than a few hundred dollars on furnace repairs, you have probably already spent more than the cost of a furnace replacement. Your repair needs may continue to increase as the unit gets older and weaker.

Heating Performance

You might need a gas furnace replacement if your old unit can’t properly heat your home. You might notice cold spots in specific rooms. You might also feel consistently chilly even though you regularly adjust your thermostat. These problems are telling you that your furnace can’t keep up with your heating needs any longer.

Health Changes

Your HVAC system’s effect on indoor air quality is another consideration. Over time, an old furnace’s filtration system can weaken. It might not remove as many contaminants from the treated air. 

If illness seems more common in your home or your health seems otherwise affected, conduct an indoor air quality audit. This will help you determine whether there’s an issue with your heating system’s filtration process.

Trust Our Heating and Cooling Experts

The cost to replace furnace equipment can be well worth the comfort and energy savings an updated furnace can offer. Bee Cool Texas Heating & Air provides high-quality HVAC system installation services. Our skilled technicians can evaluate your home to determine your exact heating needs. To get started, contact us today.

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